

Tons of Gravel, Sands and Fines


The total mineral resource and determine the minable reserves for the approximately 525- acre property located approximately 6 miles northwest of Brookhaven, Mississippi in Lincoln County. This property is also referred to as the Lincoln County Property. The Lincoln County property contains alluvial sand and gravel deposits associated with the Citronelle Formation. Contact us today to find out more information about this opportunity, and how to become involved in alternative investments. 


Brookhaven, MS

The Lincoln County property is located in southcentral Mississippi, approximately six miles northwest of the town of Brookhaven. The approximate center of the property is latitude 31.615763 and90.545485 longitude (UTM732836 east and 3500462.63 north, zone 15R). The Property’s mailing address is 1274 Jackson Liberty Drive, NW, Brookhaven, Mississippi. The nearest major cities are Hattiesburg, Mississippi located approximately 120 kilometers (75miles) to the southeast, Vicksburg, Mississippi 88 kilometers (55 miles) to the northwest, and Natchez, Mississippi, located approximately 80 kilometers (40 miles) to the west.
